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When in the course of human events
People got scratches, people got dents,
When in the course of human affairs
People got problems, people got cares…
When in the course of space and of time
Please understand that things turn on a dime
Please understand that there just isn’t time
When Things are all turning and burning away
When Colors are fading to sick shades of gray,
When babies are marching in uniforms bright
While slowly the daytime is turning to night…
Please understand that things turn on a dime
There just isn’t interest and there just isn’t time.
I was young and I was old
I was warm and then was cold
I was once and I was not
I guess I found what it was I sought
I’m just not sure what it was I caught.
I left behind what I should have brought.
And now in the course of things and of stuff
And energy patterns both tender and tough
I’m looking at you boy and seeing myself
I’m wondering why and I wonder why else
And now in the course of human events
My people got scratches
My people got dents
My people ain’t happy in fading away
But Hell after all that is just the Way
And way past our bedtime and way past the mall
You had it, you dropped it, the earth as a ball
And just like an eggshell, just like a bubble
Everyone runs at the first sight of trouble
Everyone runs and it’s sad in a way
Everyone ran but they all should have stayed.

I Suppose

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I suppose the problem lies in the fact that we don’t know how to properly express the problem in such a way as to suggest a solution. Our words are inadequate, our vocabulary has been diminished. It resembles to some extent the novel 1984 whereby the State began to ban certain words and without the words the people lost the concepts, like freedom and oppression. Phrases took the place of in depth thoughts, expressions like “double-plus good”. They mean almost nothing but fill the mouths with something to do. I see this today in the book burnings, book bannings and the convoluted twistings the talking heads take to convert words like petri dish into peach tree dish, taking a science term and making it nonsense. Part of the path to true ignorance is in reducing the kinds of thoughts the people can think. The ideas of reason and discourse are eliminated or even stigmatized to the point where bringing up the concept is seen as an attack on the listener and in a blossoming fascist dictatorship and attack on the rightward lurch is a crime punishable by death. It has to be this way simply because a nascent autocracy is like any other gestalt system with self preservation instincts and the ability to lash out violently at its perceived enemies.
What the members of the previous gestalt need to recognize is that the new system will struggle and fight in the most barbaric manner because it is intellectually and emotionally at an inferior position and it will fight to achieve dominance over all other systems. The perceived threats are quite real: democratic systems with majority rule will by their nature oppose despotic and autocratic systems. Although there is no real reason to fear one skin color replacing another the members of the fascist movement will articulate baseless fears in exactly the way a pre-pubescent child will tell ghost stories or spread horrible rumors about local adults or even other children. Immature minds are not equipped to deal with more mature and complex issues such as global climate collapse so they turn their tiny minds to problems like the kinds of mascot candy companies use to advertise their goods. It is far easier for such minds to deal with the fear of a gay candy than to show off their ignorance and even stupidity on such matters as food production, housing for tens of millions of refugees and the matter of water which does not poison the drinker. By stressing those concerns the talking heads on the left, such as it is, trigger fear and anger in the ignorant. When those ignorant men and women also happen to control 80% of all the wealth in a society it can be expected that they will violently oppose any mention of their poor handling of a situation which will eventually kill off all of humanity. Interestingly enough those same ignorant people will cheerfully embrace an imaginary crises in the form of an End Time return of a long dead radical rabbi from the 1st century but will bristle at the thought that the End Time might simply kill off most of the life on the planet and produce no happy after-life Heaven on Earth.
So the quandary facing humanity is how to do anything to mitigate the damage of global climate collapse when the vocabulary is outlawed and the concept is twisted into a mythology whereby the victims will happily accelerate the collapse in an effort to promote the return of the long dead rabbi. Interestingly enough the teachings of that long dead rabbi seem to promote policies which would have prevented the global climate collapse if enough of the followers of the dead rabbi actually followed his suggestions of tolerance, mutual respect, and a low-impact life style. To this point it is much more accurate to describe these people as adherents to the teachings of an anti-christ rather than any form of “Christianity”. You can call an up and coming dictatorship a democracy all day and all night but in the end the goose stepping brown shirted bully boys will be guarding the ballot boxes and attacking the police should their glorious leader not win 100% of the votes at a minimum. Many dictatorships shroud themselves in the trappings of democratic concepts while blocking any and all democratic movements. The myth that the United States was ever a democracy is a get-out-of-jail free card for future dictators and oligarchs in the same way the anti-christians expect that after a life of greed, lust, murder and intolerance they will yet ascend into heavenly bliss by simply saying the proper words at the final seconds of their life: I have accepted the Lord Geezus as my personal savior! POOF all their crimes and sins, all the blood on their hands is washed clean. This is less a religion and more a childrens’ game. Ally-ally all come free!

Chaos and the Climate

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There’s a book store in town which is a labyrinth of shelves which can suddenly open up into a small room filled with prints, old maps or stacks of ancient magazines. The importance of documenting the Now for the Tomorrow is something we’ve been doing since we first picked up a sharp rock. Scratched into the walls of a deep dark cave are the symbols for “Dave the Cro-Magnon was here”. We like to leave behind something of ourselves. Sometimes this is all we have left: scratches on a wall. In my case it might be photos on a wall, or sculpture in a home. Who knows how long, or if, my work will survive. I think of this because so many factors can take away something you have been working on for most of your life, like a storm knocking down a house. The scratches are wiped out in the tsunami.
We leave behind our names in official records, but often they were not backed up somehow and so when the building burned down in the wild fires, so did the records, and a generation may find their quest for information on the family tree suddenly stops cold. You never know… Death and taxes. We all know we will die someday but nobody much knows where and why. Under our great orange leader we can’t even be sure of taxes, unless we are essentially poor and then our taxes will be going up soon, very soon. Ah and then the support systems are taken away, first Medicare and Medicaid and soon school aid, infrastructure investment… IN the early years of the nation if you went along roads and highways from point A to point B, sooner or later somebody with their hand out would want money for you to continue. We didn’t have rights of ways. Paths turned to roads and roads became highways, but only when locals improved on them, and then they wanted to be paid. Toll roads were everywhere. It took a progressive republican to think about an interstate transportation system which would enable the marketplace, employ millions and bring in billions in taxes. Today it is being torn down by another republican, but an insanely broken man who cannot think of others as being alive, equal and deserving. We have 3 more years and then some under the rule of a person who cannot be stopped and who believes himself to be anointed by Divinity to rule and to remake the nation in his own image. In other words, psychotic, self-destructive and dangerous. Ya never know.

One after another huge storms slam into shorelines, knocking down homes and businesses, tearing down wires and poles, signs and billboards. We see them forming from space and we submit our numbers to our machines, which chew them up and digest them according to algorithms based on and created from the last 100 years of weather data. So long as the patterns do not change, the basic elements which form the climate do not alter, the patterns will be the same. The frog in the beaker on the stove thinks, “It feels the same, pretty much, so nothing is going to happen to me…” and the flames get higher, the water heats up and the from is suffering but maintains that, “It’s not much different than a few minutes ago, it’s going to be fine…” and here’s a real sad thing about this metaphor: certain people in positions of power would read that and wonder why we should worry about a stupid frog. But we digress.

That’s really the point, though, isn’t it? We digress. We digress from our expectations, from our forecasts, we digress from the extension of the line which was our life. This is because in large part, the universe is running on chaos. In an infinite set the only overall pattern will be inconsistent, never repeating for longer than infinity-1. An infinite regular pattern would put a belt around the round belly of the universe. So things have to move away from expectations. While it is true that human tinkering has impacted the chemistry of the atmosphere, it is also true that a huge amount of the local universe had it’s toe in the water as well. The patterns of the Sun, the pull of the Moon, the way the ocean sucks up our garbage, everything built on things we did, things trees do, and soon the air was changed, which means the planet has changed, and therefor our weather must change. Sadly, another thing which has changed is the way society looks upon thinking as opposed to acting. Over time the great apes watched and learned to strike rocks, to capture and cultivate fire, to protect the extended family, the group, and as we are still great apes we watch “Lethal Weapon”, “Fargo”, “Breaking Bad” and the rest, even down to the sit-coms where the main point of humor is to ridicule a friend, a boss or a parent, we watch and learn how society operates, even though at some level we know these images are not live theater. We are built to watch and learn from what we see, like how the first resort must be violence, the first impulse must be to lie.

A Mid-April Rant

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A little Mid-April Essay:
Corruption is a disease of the social animal. Like most diseases it can start as an innocent little sniffle, some local cop accepts some bribe for special treatment of some merchant, a DOT engineer moves a highway interchange in order for a powerful politician landowner to sell some worthless land for a premium. School boards decide to insert personal, religious and political agendas into the teaching curriculum. Slowly things go badly. Raise your hands if you: drive the speed limit on the freeways… come to a full stop at stop signs… never drive after drinking… Chances are only one or two managed to get a hand up because we are a nation of law breakers and hypocrites and we relish the lies, the destruction, the greed and the cheating, oh how we love to cheat others. In the process we have cheated ourselves out of the opportunity to establish (for instance) a democracy, a well educated advanced society, a world where income will not determine if you survive a deadly disease. But we won’t because so many of us have bought into the lie that money makes you happy and only losers play by the rules. Look at our popular entertainment, the movies, the television shows and write down the qualities of the protagonists in the stories. Go back a few years: “Dirty Harry” is a cop who cheerfully tortures and murders suspects. “Batman” is a simple vigilante who considers himself above the law. Hell, Superman is an illegal alien! How many movies have as a plot the stealing from or murder of others justified because the criminal is presented as funny, smart and reasonable? In point of fact most criminals are failures who can find no way to live except as parasites on the rest of us, not unlike all professional politicians. We are attracted to the inverse concept: bad guys who have a heart of gold, stupid people who are truly wise, poor folk who manage to be generous and helpful. But in reality we are a pack of dogs fighting over scraps tossed out by the wealthy who own the government while laundering their ill-gotten money by having ever increasingly expensive “elections”, carefully gerrymandered to make sure the Right people always get into office. The idea of a People rising up against their Masters to make a new egalitarian life has never happened. We’ve just traded Masters. Just like there has never been a large scale democracy there has never been a large scale communist society. Instead we advertise the former and deliver some form of autocracy, usually excused as being needed temporarily, maybe 5 years, until the people are ready and then making sure nobody is ever “ready” by sabotaging the educational and information systems to promote political agendas rather than the greater good. For those of you who think the so-called “Democrats” are different I suggest you consider how easy it is to join, leave and rejoin the Party, and how votes are carefully crafted to give the appearance of debate when we all know one man has the power to decide which laws get passed and it ain’t the President. They cooperate while dissing the Bad Guys in interviews, they party together, do drugs together, share underage sex partners together… what makes anybody think professional liars are going to give a rats behind what happens to the People? Corruption is taking down the Russians, but look with open eyes on the Western Powers… The United States is no longer “united” and elections are no longer “free and fair”, so how is it we are a democracy? Did we vote on this? Not according to the numbers. As we leaned on the USSR for decades we grew like two trees intertwined. Now the Soviets are crumbling under their own hubris and ya know what? The “United” States is not long behind in splitting up. Not many empires last more than a couple of hundred years and our is no exception. If the diseases we ignore don’t get us and the Earth doesn’t scrape us all off through climate change chances are we still are in the process of regrouping into a smaller, hopefully saner body of humanity. By smaller I mean a few hundred thousand individuals. That number can be handled by our planet. As far the idea of billionaires colonizing Mars? Gravity. Mars has very little gravity which means none of our biology will work over time. Our bones shrink, our blood doesn’t flow properly and our muscles fade away. In orbit we can see this every time one astronaut stays a year or so in space, they begin to fail because our bodies are designed for 1 G, not 1/3 G. The animals we sent into space and tried to breed have all failed, so why would you think humans can breed in low G? With no children there are no colonies, so… Mars is good for robots and short term exploration but will never be a substitute Earth even if we can grow small crops and print homes from the Martian sand. We can make parts look like earth but we can’t make gravity and without proper gravity our bones will melt away and our muscles will fade away and our sperm will fail. Earth is our home, clean it up, care for it and try not to kill one another because we have no other options.

Summer- 1967

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Sunrise over San Francisco
Summer of 1967
The sidewalks steaming
in front of store fronts
doorways jingling
delivery boys mumbling
I’m on the road
like in the novel
Though I did not know that then
That morning will never happen
That smell of weed and leather
which poured from the inside
of the beetle
has long since sailed
across the Bay
maybe all the way
back to China
and I
am no longer
on the road
but planted firmly
in the here and now
which is after all what
the gurus said we should be doing
One foot in front of the other
all night on the edges of the highway
thumb in the air sometimes
sometimes simply walking
I caught a ride
and settled deep inside
where heads bobbed
and faces smiled
they said
far owt man
she said
and passed me a fat joint
and as the sun rose
like a flower in all of our hair
we cruised into the Haight
and I emerged into the light
light headed
and born again
to the smells and sights
never seen before
a scene before the bewildered masses
long haired boys
and beautiful beflowered girls
were gathering together
along with yours truly
to experience for once
a certain quality of life
which rarely comes by
like a butterfly

which if stepped upon
will kill off the dinosaurs
and introduce the planet
to mammals and such
but Darwin never said
“it’ll happen overnight…”
and he was right
because there we were
bewildered ourselves
at the sight and sounds and smells
of a sunrise over a city
to which I’d never been
until that instant
and the sidewalks smelled fresh
freshly washed and scrubbed
(they wash the sidewalks here!)
and the colors of the people
and the colors of the clothes they wore
and the colors on the posters
of the colorful houses
featured in the colorful folk songs
about houses and people
on the sides of hills
like me
walking up that hill
towards the big beautiful gates
which opened up
to the Garden and
Introduced me to the
of life everlasting
with fish and chips
and patchouli oil and beads
sitting on a park bench
in an instant in time
a young man from Glendale Arizona
wondered at the wonder
of that morning
as the sun rose
like a rose
in a Garden somewhere
and the scent
of the petals
which might have been
that flower child
who passed out
to diggers
and freaks
about a free concert with free food
and I was free
so I went
and over Time and Distance
I find the road
and cling to the center line
while steering with one hand
as the other hand
waves the rest of them ahead
why wait for me?
I’m somewhere
back here
back in 1967
when the sidewalks steamed
and the sound of my sneakers
seemed somehow musical
in the hot town of that summer
I didn’t have a flower
in my hair
so I let a young blond
flower child
paint one on my sneakers
and I danced
through the Gates
into the Garden
with flowers on my toes
and a rising sun in my sight.

Fred Brighton July 2021


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I tend to repeat myself
ya know?
I tend to repeat myself.
Don’t touch that fire
It’s hot
Skull and crossbones doesn’t mean
Pirate food
It mean poison
I tend to repeat myself
Over and over again
Like waves upon the shore
I splash and crash
and repeat myself again and again
Don’t touch that fire
Don’t eat that rat poison
Judge not, lest ye be judged
Thou shall not murder
Here there be dragons
I tend to repeat myself
ya know?
Like an echo
Off a canyon wall
Hello? Hello? Hello?
Until you can’t hear me
over the horizon or
under the radar or
beyond the pale or
over the rainbow and
In ruby slippers clicking away
I stand with my eyes closed
and say
There’s no place like home
There’s no place like home
There’s no place like home
I tend to repeat myself
Ya know?
And home is where the heart is
Where you hang your hat
Where you can’t go back
Where your memories have faded
so say
There’s no place like home
There’s no place like home
Ya know?

My New Old Fashioned Kiln

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Description: Small updraft kilns are a marked improvement over pit firings, allowing for the concentration of heat and the gradual cooling off of the ware, thus reducing cracked pots. An early form of updraft kiln is the bank side tunnel kiln, typically seen in Asian ceramics of the period and later. In this sort of kiln the fire is set at the bottom of the tunnel and the ware is located somewhere uphill near the exit. Natural draft takes the heat up the tunnel and fires the ware to low-fire, non-glaze temps. If the fire is maintained over many days then ash glaze may be produced. This is a very inefficient way to fire clay as most of the heat is sent up the tunnel and out the stack without coming into contact with the ware. The Greek style kiln is an improvement.

First of all the kiln is typically dug into the earth in order to produce an upward draft with the fire and ware boxes insulated by the earth berm. There is at least one example of the Greek kiln using a very long, Asian-like style fire box located down a hill from the ware chamber. Typically, however, the fire box is located to the side of the ware chamber with the flue channeling the heat under the ware floor and up through the ware and out the flue located at the top of the dome covering the ware chamber. Most people would say the kiln resembles an igloo.

In my project I was constrained by my back injuries making it difficult and painful to dig out the fire box, so I used cinder blocks to form the same shape, lined the inside with brick and bermed up the sides to insulate the structure. The center peninsula was formed by a row of cinder blocks covered in a layer of brick. This center structure is what holds the ware floor pieces. In a period kiln the floor is made of fired clay wedge-shaped pieces set with holes to allow the flow of heat. In my project I felt to save time and not change the firing process I could use old modern kiln shelves as my floor. This allows the same flow of air through the chamber and thus the same firing schedule without having to go through the process of making floor pieces and perfecting that technology. I will in time attempt to make these pieces and substitute them for the modern floor, but in the meantime I want the kiln to be usable as quickly as possible.

The fire chamber which is under the ware chamber has an opening to which the fire box is attached. The fire box has an arched roof and is about a meter long and half a meter tall. It can be sealed with a spare kiln shelf and/or bricks. The ware door is arched and is 14” wide and 20” tall. It will be sealed with bricks, some of which are shaped for the arch.



This image shows the double wall construction of the ware chamber with the fire box bermed off to the right. The arched opening for the ware chamber is shown completed. Part of the floor is in place. The kiln walls are built up to the level of the door arch and then slowly corbeled until at the top the opening can be covered completely with two half shelves.

Shows the outside of the kiln plastered with clay to plug cracks and bermed to provide insulation. The fire box opening can be seen inside the kiln chamber door. Bricks are moistened with a slip of clay and placed in the wall. Any large cracks are plugged with wads of clay and smoothed over.

The completed kiln. The opening on the dome is covered with two half-shelves which can be arranged to control the draft like a damper. The final application of clay will smooth the outside of the kiln, allowing rain to easily roll off the surface. The ware door on the opposite side is bricked up and plugged with clay after loading the kiln. Fire starts in the opening of the fire box and advances into the kiln, eventually creating a bed of hot coals beneath the kiln floor. The more fuel burning the less oxygen is in the ware chamber, creating a “reduction firing” which is required for the red/black ware renown by the Greeks. As the iron rich clay burns the oxygen is reduced from the iron oxide, producing a dark black iron color. If the ware is exposed to the air before cooling sufficiently the iron will re-combine with the air and the black will fade to a rust red. Thus careful fueling and cooling is essential to produce the Greek ware.

On Facebook

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I wonder where my wonder went
Everything seems so cut and dried
Nothing seems new under the sun
Flotsam from a previous tide
Then someone posts a bit of wit
And people read it far and wide
Some say it’s gold, some say it’s shit
While others say they read and cried.
And in my sullen sorriness
I read the poster’s post
I never knew that thing was true
I thought it was an empty boast
I rise, I shout, I post a view
Opinions like a tidal wave
The whole lasts a day or two
A wonderful sparkling rave.
Life’s not a bore
If you have more
Than just a friend or two
You talk things out
And fuss and pout
But in the end it’s true
It isn’t only about you.
Fred Brighton 12-17-17

A Ritual of Renewal

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A Ritual of Renewal

After the ceremony comes a time of great jubilation. The bride and groom run off, the guests rise up, the party begins after the photographs are taken. Afterwards, what has changed? Names have changed, relationships have changed, boundaries have changed. Now the two have become one and the result is greater than the sum of the parts. Where comes the extra, the added parts? Quantum physics and magick tell us that perception can generate that which is perceived. If you believe an orange skinned real estate salesman is capable of sending nuclear missiles to vaporize an entire nation, they might just do that. And if you believe a man you never met before last week is your brother, then he is your brother. You gained a brother when your daughter married a man. Likewise you may have gained cousins, sisters, nephews and partners through this ritual in which two pledge to do what is right for two to do. It has nothing to do with babies or gods or even social understandings, but it is an ethical way to express out loud the feelings which have been created by two becoming one. The result can be epic. When Di married Chuck the world of the West shook with various degrees of joy, and yet afterwards little was changed. The Queen was still the queen and none of them use surnames, so they did not change either. I would argue that on September 9th there were greater and long lasting changes made which will in time have impacts to a great number of families and friends.
A ritual of renewal changes a woman to a goddess, and a miss into a missus, a daughter into a wife, a man into a husband. Duties may not be changed in a relationship which has lasted many years, but the feelings now are different. When a man does a nice thing for his lover and friend, it kind and rewarding in kind, but when a husband does something nice for his wife, it brings on the feelings of the One which came into being as a result of that ritual. A marriage is reinforced more than just a mans love of another. Consider that a lover presents a gift as part of a courtship. Afterwards, after the marriage ceremony the courtship of the lover has stopped, but the courtship and nurturing of the spouse has begun. Often you hear of how after a marriage the man suddenly becomes abusive or cold. The ritual had failed, often because it was confused for a “party”. Parties do not transform, they entertain briefly. So thought must be put into all aspects of a ritual, dense, multi-layered thoughts on placement, color and meaning. Then the participants should be at some level aware of the intent, purpose, direction and rules of the ritual. The ring or rings must be understood as symbols and not jewelry. Drinks immediately afterwards should be drinks of ceremonial value, the Toast defines them as such, and all the important individuals may deliver Toasts, which should be understood even as ritual components of a ceremony currently being enacted. They are spells. Each primary participant has a costume, a special garb, festooned with symbolic flowers, jewels or decorations. The male/female parts are balanced with the groomsmen and the bridesmaids. The ritual of separation finalizes the vows, and the ceremony moves on. Each day may be a ritual of renewal in a loving environment. The people are energized and inspired for their participation in the ritual. Within a year a new child will come into the world as a direct result of this ritual, even several children might come forth.
In this way all of us are renewed. We move up the ladder a bit, new footing, new ideas bringing forth new things. Understanding the way this works and the importance of the understanding, is how we move gladly through the changes, rather than fearful of the new.

Weddings and Transitions

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Last Saturday our daughter was married and we had the most amazing and fun wedding ever, at least according to all the attendees. After the smoke had cleared and the bottles and glasses picked up, after the hotel keys were found and the sprained ankles looked at, the horn was drained, the birds were singing and the world awoke to a new dawn, a new age. This, of course, means that my sweet wife and I are Old News. Over the hill, gone beyond Now into History. If I have learned anything about history it is that every mans history is another’s future. Each time I note another new age spot, a new ache, I see the joy in her eyes as she said “I will” and the look in his eyes was so similar to one i had when I told my new bride how beautiful she was. Now what do we have to look forward to? Gee, I suppose we could see a grandchild, but these days nothing is assured. How could two intelligent people bring a child into a world filled with fascists, nationalists, “religious” extremism? In our globalized world no armed clash is local, especially when your government is fond of selling weapons to people. But, and it’s a big but, we have a small group of disconnected idiots trying to squeeze the last drops from an old era and they are in charge of things as they are now. Increasingly we know that governments are installed by money for the defense of money, and rarely concern themselves with the lives of the people. Consider a reductio ad absurdum : two humans left on the planet, and one has all the money. The other has a stone. The first one wants the stone badly, so they offer up some of the money, but the second does not wish to sell. The price war advances until finally the owner of the stone sells it for all of the money. Now there is a new stone owner and a new rich person, so this is an economy, yes? but does it create or advance humanity in any way? No. So, economies by themselves are not life supporting. Exchanging goods and services for money gets you nothing. Now, suppose we have a half dozen people and one has the money, one has a stone, one has grown wheat and one has nothing but sexual organs and a willingness to use them. The rich person gives all of his money for the stone. The new rich man gives part of his money for the stick, some for sex and the rest he places in a hole beneath his sleeping area. The man with wheat trades wheat for sex and the female agrees to help him steal the money to buy a stone…. and so forth. Now, the economy moves along with many more people and trade goods, but the money per se is not the main factor here. Suppose two of the people get married and merge their fortunes and goods? This is not an economy exactly, but what is exchanged results in an increase of what is held to be valuable. Each feels rewarded, loved, protected, respected etc and no money, no stone or stick passes hands. Sex, sure, but not as a trade but as an expression of love. So: an economy based on love and respect does more good than an economy based on exchanges of material goods. Barter rather than profit, and consensus rather than bargaining. In the marriage ceremony both partners promise to do that which they already have willingly been doing: love, honor, respect and care for the other. If humanity married humanity there could be no wars. If we loved the gestalt of life the way we love our partners, there could be no wars. It would be nice if all our marriage ceremonies included the promise to “take care of the Earth, to respect Life and those within the Sphere of Life…” because after all, if a marriage were to result in children, how much nicer a world it would be dedicated to love and devotion rather than profit making, wars and distrust.