When in the course of human events
People got scratches, people got dents,
When in the course of human affairs
People got problems, people got cares…
When in the course of space and of time
Please understand that things turn on a dime
Please understand that there just isn’t time
When Things are all turning and burning away
When Colors are fading to sick shades of gray,
When babies are marching in uniforms bright
While slowly the daytime is turning to night…
Please understand that things turn on a dime
There just isn’t interest and there just isn’t time.
I was young and I was old
I was warm and then was cold
I was once and I was not
I guess I found what it was I sought
I’m just not sure what it was I caught.
I left behind what I should have brought.
And now in the course of things and of stuff
And energy patterns both tender and tough
I’m looking at you boy and seeing myself
I’m wondering why and I wonder why else
And now in the course of human events
My people got scratches
My people got dents
My people ain’t happy in fading away
But Hell after all that is just the Way
And way past our bedtime and way past the mall
You had it, you dropped it, the earth as a ball
And just like an eggshell, just like a bubble
Everyone runs at the first sight of trouble
Everyone runs and it’s sad in a way
Everyone ran but they all should have stayed.
I Suppose
I suppose the problem lies in the fact that we don’t know how to properly express the problem in such a way as to suggest a solution. Our words are inadequate, our vocabulary has been diminished. It resembles to some extent the novel 1984 whereby the State began to ban certain words and without the words the people lost the concepts, like freedom and oppression. Phrases took the place of in depth thoughts, expressions like “double-plus good”. They mean almost nothing but fill the mouths with something to do. I see this today in the book burnings, book bannings and the convoluted twistings the talking heads take to convert words like petri dish into peach tree dish, taking a science term and making it nonsense. Part of the path to true ignorance is in reducing the kinds of thoughts the people can think. The ideas of reason and discourse are eliminated or even stigmatized to the point where bringing up the concept is seen as an attack on the listener and in a blossoming fascist dictatorship and attack on the rightward lurch is a crime punishable by death. It has to be this way simply because a nascent autocracy is like any other gestalt system with self preservation instincts and the ability to lash out violently at its perceived enemies.
What the members of the previous gestalt need to recognize is that the new system will struggle and fight in the most barbaric manner because it is intellectually and emotionally at an inferior position and it will fight to achieve dominance over all other systems. The perceived threats are quite real: democratic systems with majority rule will by their nature oppose despotic and autocratic systems. Although there is no real reason to fear one skin color replacing another the members of the fascist movement will articulate baseless fears in exactly the way a pre-pubescent child will tell ghost stories or spread horrible rumors about local adults or even other children. Immature minds are not equipped to deal with more mature and complex issues such as global climate collapse so they turn their tiny minds to problems like the kinds of mascot candy companies use to advertise their goods. It is far easier for such minds to deal with the fear of a gay candy than to show off their ignorance and even stupidity on such matters as food production, housing for tens of millions of refugees and the matter of water which does not poison the drinker. By stressing those concerns the talking heads on the left, such as it is, trigger fear and anger in the ignorant. When those ignorant men and women also happen to control 80% of all the wealth in a society it can be expected that they will violently oppose any mention of their poor handling of a situation which will eventually kill off all of humanity. Interestingly enough those same ignorant people will cheerfully embrace an imaginary crises in the form of an End Time return of a long dead radical rabbi from the 1st century but will bristle at the thought that the End Time might simply kill off most of the life on the planet and produce no happy after-life Heaven on Earth.
So the quandary facing humanity is how to do anything to mitigate the damage of global climate collapse when the vocabulary is outlawed and the concept is twisted into a mythology whereby the victims will happily accelerate the collapse in an effort to promote the return of the long dead rabbi. Interestingly enough the teachings of that long dead rabbi seem to promote policies which would have prevented the global climate collapse if enough of the followers of the dead rabbi actually followed his suggestions of tolerance, mutual respect, and a low-impact life style. To this point it is much more accurate to describe these people as adherents to the teachings of an anti-christ rather than any form of “Christianity”. You can call an up and coming dictatorship a democracy all day and all night but in the end the goose stepping brown shirted bully boys will be guarding the ballot boxes and attacking the police should their glorious leader not win 100% of the votes at a minimum. Many dictatorships shroud themselves in the trappings of democratic concepts while blocking any and all democratic movements. The myth that the United States was ever a democracy is a get-out-of-jail free card for future dictators and oligarchs in the same way the anti-christians expect that after a life of greed, lust, murder and intolerance they will yet ascend into heavenly bliss by simply saying the proper words at the final seconds of their life: I have accepted the Lord Geezus as my personal savior! POOF all their crimes and sins, all the blood on their hands is washed clean. This is less a religion and more a childrens’ game. Ally-ally all come free!